KPMG Accountants NV has served as our external auditor for the years 2017 and 2016. The table sets out the aggregate fees for professional audit services and other services rendered by the external auditors and its member firms and/or affiliates in 2017 and 2016. The fees mentioned in the table for the audit of the financial statements 2017 (2016) relate to the total fees for the audit of the financial statements 2017 (2016), irrespective of whether the activities have been performed during the financial year 2017 (2016). The following fees were charged by KPMG Accountants N.V. to the company, its subsidiaries and other consolidated companies, as referred to in Section 2:382a(1) and (2) of the Dutch Civil Code.

 KPMG Accountants NVKPMG networkKPMG TotalKPMG Accountants NVKPMG networkKPMG Total
Audit fees37095465515125640
Audit-related fees3030
Tax fees
Other fees


The Audit Committee has determined that the provision of services by KPMG described in the preceding paragraphs is compatible with maintaining KPMG’s independence. All audit and permitted non-audit services provided by KPMG during 2017 were pre-approved by the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee has adopted the following policies and procedures for pre-approval of all audit and permitted non-audit services provided by our external auditor:

Audit services

Management submits to the Audit Committee for pre-approval the scope and estimated fees for specific services directly related to performing the independent audit of our Consolidated financial statements for the current year.

Audit-related services

The Audit Committee may pre-approve expenditures up to a specified amount for services included in identified service categories that are related extensions of audit services and are logically performed by the auditors. Additional services exceeding the specified pre-approved limits require specific Audit Committee approval.

Tax services

The Audit Committee may pre-approve expenditures up to a specified amount per engagement and in total for identified services related to tax matters. Additional services exceeding the specified pre-approved limits, or involving service types not included in the pre-approved list, require specific Audit Committee approval.

Other services

In the case of specified services for which utilizing our external auditor creates efficiencies, minimizes disruption, or preserves confidentiality, or for which management has determined that our external auditor possesses unique or superior qualifications to provide such services, the Audit Committee may pre-approve expenditures up to a specified amount per engagement and in total. Additional services exceeding the specified pre-approved limits, or involving service types not included in the pre-approved list, require specific Audit Committee approval.